Negative ions | Effects on air purification and human health

Date: 2022-03-02 Categories: Industry News Hits: 1524

Air quality is closely related to human health.

A large number of studies have shown that negative ions in the air can purify the air, improve air quality, and induce various biological effects in the human body. The freshness of the air is related to the content of negative ions in the air.


Generation and physical properties of negative ions

1. The production of negative ions

      The main source of negative ions in the air in nature is due to the excitation of cosmic rays, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, rays emitted by radioactive elements in rock and soil, as well as electric excitation by lightning, and the impact and friction of storms, waterfalls, and ocean waves.

      The outer electrons of the atmospheric molecules are freed from the shackles of the atomic nucleus and escaped from the atoms and become positive ions, while the escaped free electrons have a very short free path and are quickly attached to some gas molecules or atoms (especially easy to attach to certain gas molecules or atoms). Oxygen or water molecules), become air negative ions.

      In addition, the decomposition of rainwater and the fresh air produced by the photosynthesis of forests and plants also contain negative ions.

      Artificial negative ions mainly use high-voltage electrostatic fields, high-frequency electric fields, ultraviolet rays, radiation, and water impact to ionize the air to generate negative ions. The negative ion generator uses the above method to generate negative ions and then blows the negative ions outward with the help of a fan.

2. Physical properties

      The ions generated in the air include positive and negative ions, which can be divided into three types: light, medium, and heavy ions according to their volume. The light ions that can enter the organism are mainly light ions.

Evaluation method of negative air ions 

      From the perspective of hygiene, there is no recognized standard at home and abroad to evaluate the cleanliness of air quality in the atmospheric environment.

      According to relevant reports, the main evaluation indexes are unipolar coefficient, ratio of heavy ions to light ions, air ion comfort zone (UK), air ion relative density (Germany), and air ion evaluation coefficient (Japan).

      Unipolar coefficient g=n+/n, where n+ is the concentration of positive air ions, and n is the concentration of negative air ions. Some scholars believe that q is equal to or less than 1 in order to give people a sense of comfort.

      Air ion evaluation system CI=n/1000q, the CI value must be greater than or equal to 0.7, the air is clean.

      The impact of negative ions on the air environment

      The deterioration of the air environment is mainly due to the imbalance of the concentration ratio of positive and negative ions in the air. The air contains harmful gases, smoke, dust, viruses, bacteria, etc., while the negative ions in the air can adjust the concentration ratio of positive and negative ions on the one hand. The effect of purifying the air.

There are three main functions:

      One is restoration. Negative ions can reduce the active oxygen produced by pollutants, nitrogen oxides, cigarettes, etc. from the atmosphere.

      The second is adsorption. It absorbs dust particles, smog, viruses, bacteria, and other biological suspended pollutants in the air into heavy ions and settles down, playing the role of air purification.

      The third is to neutralize harmful gases. Negative ions can react with the odor source molecules attached to the walls and ceilings in the room, such as benzene, formaldehyde, ketone, ammonia, and other irritating gases, effectively eliminating decoration pollution. 

Biological effects of negative air ions 

      Although the action mechanism of negative ions on the human body is not completely clear, a large number of animal studies and clinical practice have confirmed that air negative ions have various biological effects, and can affect many physiological indicators of the human body, and have the auxiliary treatment and rehabilitation effects on certain diseases. , Negative air ions mainly act on the human body through the respiratory tract:

One is nerve stimulation.

      After the negative air ions enter the respiratory tract, through mechanical or electrical stimulation, the nerve endings widely distributed in the respiratory mucosa will be excited, and a series of nerve reflexes will produce physiological effects.

      Negative ions stimulate a large number of vagus nerve fibers in the respiratory tract and lungs, generate excitatory impulses, and transmit them to the vagus nerve nucleus and respiratory center.

      Negative ions stimulate the receptors of the trigeminal nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve in the nasal mucosa, pharynx, and when these receptors are stimulated, they will also reflexively cause corresponding physiological responses of various system organs.

The second is to affect the electrical metabolism of cells.

      Negative air ions enter the blood through the alveolar epithelial layer, and their negative charges affect the colloids in the blood and the electrical metabolism of various cells.

       When inhaling negative air ions, the negative ions enter the blood, which will directly affect the composition and distribution of charged particles in the blood in the air balance state in the alveoli.

The air ions in the alveoli can affect the electric charge of the blood in the pulmonary capillaries through the action of electrostatic induction through the alveolar epithelial cells, thereby affecting the electrical metabolism of the blood.

      It is through the above-mentioned complex neuro-humoral mechanism that the physiological response of various systems of the body can be caused and the effect of preventing and treating diseases can be achieved.

      Respiratory system: Improve lung function, increase oxygen intake by 20% and CO2 discharge by 14.5%;

      Nervous system: makes people feel refreshed, thereby improving work efficiency, and has a sedative effect, which can improve sleep;

      Circulatory system: Because negative ions have an obvious antihypertensive effect, they can increase hemoglobin, increase pH value, shorten blood coagulation time, and increase myocardial nutrition;

      Immune system: Negative ions can improve body function and enhance the body's disease resistance;

      Metabolism: It can promote the growth and development of the body and accelerate the growth of bones;

      Health care: The most common usage is to inhale negative ions to treat respiratory diseases. Negative ions have a certain effect on bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, and other diseases.

      Therefore, it is often used in the adjuvant treatment and rehabilitation of certain diseases in clinical practice.