Allergic rhinitis is common in spring, and air purifiers are the savior

Date: 2022-03-17 Categories: Industry News Hits: 1235

      The sun is warm and spring is in full bloom.

      Spring is a good time to enjoy flowers and go green, and it is also the day when allergic rhinitis intermittently stirs up the nasal cavity and respiratory tract.

      When rhinitis occurs, scratching the ears and cheeks, sneezing constantly, always accompanied by tissue.

      Many people have cold-like symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, etc., but this is not necessarily a cold, it may be allergic rhinitis.

      The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis are in the nose, such as nasal itching, continuous sneezing, nasal congestion, and watery mucus; The symptoms of a cold are not limited to the nose, and symptoms such as sore throat and dry throat may appear.

NO.1 Allergic rhinitis is a manifestation of immune imbalance.

In my country, 1 to 3 people in every 10 people suffer from allergic rhinitis of varying degrees.

If not treated in time, asthma, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, and Eustachian tube dysfunction may also occur;

When breathing is not smooth, it is more likely to "mouth breathing", resulting in facial deformities.

Allergens are substances that cause allergic reactions and are present in all aspects of life.

Pollen is a common allergen. If allergic rhinitis occurs every year in a specific season when flowers are in bloom and relieves over time, then you are likely to be allergic to pollen.

Dust mites are also important allergens of allergic rhinitis, and they are widely distributed, including carpets, quilts, mattresses, pillows, sofas, etc.

The substances in the air produced by pets (such as dogs and cats), namely pet hair, are also an important cause of allergic rhinitis.

At present, there are countless allergens, but everyone's constitution is different, and not all allergens can cause allergies.

To determine which substance you are allergic to, just go to the hospital for an allergen test and a patch test.

NO.2 People often ask, how to prevent allergic rhinitis attacks?

Allergies are related to genetics, and the current medical level cannot change a person's constitution from genes.

As long as you combine the correct treatment methods (such as desensitization therapy, etc.), avoid contact with allergens, and adjust your physical condition, the chance of recurrence is minimal.

Therefore, the most reliable method is to avoid allergens and take the preventive medication in advance!

Prophylactic medication can be prescribed before the pollen season. Saltwater nose wash and cold face wash can also relieve allergic rhinitis.

People with sensitive noses also need to stay away from environments that make the nose uncomfortable.

Chemicals such as cosmetics, paints, pesticides, formaldehyde in new home renovations, etc. can irritate the nasal mucosa and make symptoms worse;

In haze weather, dust particles, etc. increase, the climate changes extremes when the seasons change, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor due to the action of air conditioners in summer and winter is large, dry, or humid, which will cause or worsen allergic rhinitis symptoms;

Some foods, such as milk, seafood, and spicy foods, can also irritate the nasal mucosa.

NO.3 A good air environment can greatly improve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis patients.

This requires the help of an air purifier.

The main function of air purifiers is to remove particulate matter in the air, and at the same time, they can also adsorb, decompose, and transform organic air pollution problems caused by decoration or other reasons.

It is especially important to note that if there are people with nasal allergies at home, the filter of the air purifier should also be replaced frequently.

Although the air purifier does not have the effect of directly treating rhinitis, it purifies the indoor air and effectively removes and curbs some factors that cause allergic rhinitis, so the nose will be much more comfortable!


Spring is here, I hope everyone can breathe healthily every day!